Three Elements of a Hero: #3 //FAITHFULNESS//

A true hero is not someone who’s never been through hardship, but someone who goes through it and comes out stronger. They are faithful in that they don’t dessert or give up when it gets tough. Their eyes are set on the prize, and they are in it for the long run. Even if you only have the faith of a mustard seed, that is enough. It’s easier to be faithful in your calling when you are feeding and filling your faith in Jesus Christ. 

Scripture says “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) 

(if you look up the word “Faithful”, it is used to describe God more than anything else. His children will reflect His character. We can increase or faith and faithfulness by reading the Bible)

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galations 6:9 

(key word is “if”. We don’t reap if we give up before the harvest comes in)

So why are Heroes important? Because we need to know we’re not alone. In our daily lives we should seek to embody the Blood, Grit, and Faithfulness that heroes portray, not to bring glory to ourselves, but to bring glory to God. God is forming us into more perfect and sanctified people. We do not need a stage or platform to please Him. 

In closing, it’s cheap and simple to try to portray a facade of bravery and heroic acts. Don’t let the publicity draw you in. Be someone that doesn’t just post motivational things or say positive things. Positive words can be temporarily inspirational, but it is your story, and the concrete actions you choose to take that truly validates your words and breeds hope. Either act alone, or act and speak, but never just use words. The critic/observer is the most comfortable and dangerous seat in the house. Stay there too long and one day you realize your life is over and it was wasted. You have to live. 

Action is always a risk. It may result in bleeding, crying over a heartbreak, or failure.  But it might also end up in something beautiful. A story of redemption. A story of victory. 

Every good story includes a problem to be solved or overcome. And a good story’s problem is never an easy solution. It involves sacrifice, time, and who knows what else. 

People need to be reminded that blood, tears, and losing is a part of life and nothing to be ashamed of. The lows are a part of any journey. The hard days, spilled blood, and tears will only make the victory sweeter. God knows your tears, and He understands your joys and pain. In all of this, He is forming His children into glorious creations that reflect His beauty. 

“But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8

Maybe one day you will be somebodies hero. But the ultimate goal? To finish your race well, and to hear these words: 

“… Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” Matthew 25:21


Josephine Yelle

Josephine Yelle

Believer. Muay Thai Fighter. Writer. Psalm 16:11

Hey Friends

Just want to say “Hey!” and welcome to the blog. I’m so happy you’re here! 

In Thailand when training, the best relief during a round break is the ice chest. A cold plastic cup of ice water in your mouth or on your head is sure to rejuvenate you. Here at my blog, I hope you can sit back and get a little rejuvenation between rounds in the real world. 

If you have questions, topics you’d like covered, or items you’d like reviewed,  leave a comment! 

Also, don’t forget to subscribe. Look forward to seeing you around! 

Josephine Yelle

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