Three Elements of a Hero: #1 //BLOOD//

There’s something special about blood. Blood cannot be replicated or created and is completely essential for life. Scripture says “…the life of the flesh is in the blood…” (Leviticus 17:11). Blood gives life. But blood has accomplished more than just giving life to individuals. Shed blood, spilled out for us on the cross, has redeemed all of humanity from the beginning to the end of time. Only blood from the perfect spotless Son of God could pay the price of the sins of the world. Jesus’ blood is powerful, and His life, death, and resurrection changed the world. He is the hero in this story of Redemption. He loved perfectly. Served perfectly. Obeyed perfectly. And shed his blood perfectly. 

What about other heroes? Blood is often involved at some point in any hero’s story. An ancient warrior’s life was a bloody one. What about theologians and great thinkers: all were mortals with blood coursing through their veins. Finally, some of the greatest athletes and most inspiring individuals have suffered injuries, breaks, cuts, and other physical pain for the sake of winning and competing. But pain and suffering didn’t keep them down, it merely taught them to persevered through it. 

Looking at it from a spiritual perspective, our blood, pain, and suffering is something that all Christians will experience to varying extents. But we know there is purpose in the pain. 

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” James 1:3  

(Testing or proving something will either break you or build you)

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;” Philippians 3:10 

(we are called to take part in Christ’s sufferings, and to like Him, die to ourselves daily) 

I believe BLOOD plays an important part of any story, especially the GOSPEL story, which is the most important story of all.

When was the last time you bled or suffered through pain in order to achieve something? Comment below!


Josephine Yelle

Josephine Yelle

Believer. Muay Thai Fighter. Writer. Psalm 16:11

Hey Friends

Just want to say “Hey!” and welcome to the blog. I’m so happy you’re here! 

In Thailand when training, the best relief during a round break is the ice chest. A cold plastic cup of ice water in your mouth or on your head is sure to rejuvenate you. Here at my blog, I hope you can sit back and get a little rejuvenation between rounds in the real world. 

If you have questions, topics you’d like covered, or items you’d like reviewed,  leave a comment! 

Also, don’t forget to subscribe. Look forward to seeing you around! 

Josephine Yelle

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