I wrote this back in 2018. When I found it the other day and read it again it felt profound. I was tempted to touch it up and polish it, but part of what I like is that it is rough around the edges. And 2 years and several twists and turns later it still rings true. Enjoy!
“A proper perspective of a journey
starts with realizing that
the traveler started at a point.
And that every step in between
is to be appreciated,
embraced, and taken.
Do not despise a difficult step
or present it didn’t need to be taken.
God is the Author of the journey
and those on His path can trust Him.
Do not see the traveler’s present point
as their final destination.
The glory of the journey is the change and growth that takes place.
No one setting out on a journey
ever remains unchanged.
We must hop in the One
who started the work
and see the potential end in store.
Do what you can to help that person forward.
Always hoping for what’s ahead.
Seeing the best in that person.
And seeking to draw that out.
God is the best journey writer.”
Life is truly an adventure, and walking with Jesus brings true peace and fulfillment! What hard times can you now look back to and be thankful that God brought through? Comment below!