Don’t Wait Until You’re READY

If there’s one thing my childhood education was strong in, it would be creativity. Being homeschooled, we were given the tools and freedom to dream and create. Imagination was our best friend and creative writing was given a lot of emphasis by my teacher/mom. This helped my siblings and I learn to write freely early on. Our dining room walls were never without drawings, paintings, book reports, book charts, and the ABCs. 

We didn’t have a strict curriculum we followed; so we made our own. We wrote books and illustrated them. Trips to the library eclipsed even weekly grocery store visits. Reading fed my mind, and writing grew it. My first journal was green with a little beagle puppy on the front. I had some of the worst hand-writing you’ve ever seen, and my inconsistent entries included pretty typical accounts of pretty ordinary days. 

 That green journal was the catalyst for a habit of writing. I was given more journals over the years and proceeded to fill them all, pretty inconsistently and not with anything one would deem important. Just my own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Writing is something I enjoy to this day because it helps me process in a pressure free environment. I love the freedom to expression of ideas it provides. Written language is powerful. As I’ve developed and cultivated my writing style I began to entertain the idea of a blog. I put it off for a while. But in the space of the Covid-19 pandemic and a fractured jaw I finally had the time, energy, and drive to launch it. 

Few things in life are ever perfect. This blog certainly won’t be. I admittedly don’t feel ready. I’m not the best writer. I’m going to make mistakes. But I’ll learn from them. My goal is to simply share ideas and lessons from things I’ve come to love and value. Much of my writing these days stems from two things, which will be impetus of this blog: faith and fighting.

What I write won’t always be comfortable. My thoughts and struggles aren’t always comfortable for me either. But I find value in it. We don’t have to agree on everything. But I hope what I share is at least thought-provoking and delivers some value. 

Faith and fighting may seem opposite, but they actually have a lot in common. Both are extremely challenging, yet beneficial. Both require a lot of determination. Both offer delayed gratification to an extent. And both, at times, are painful and difficult. But…

– Pain reveals wounds. 

– Discomfort demands change. 

– Challenge fosters growth.

Welcome to my blog <3  


Josephine Yelle

Josephine Yelle

Believer. Muay Thai Fighter. Writer. Psalm 16:11

Hey Friends

Just want to say “Hey!” and welcome to the blog. I’m so happy you’re here! 

In Thailand when training, the best relief during a round break is the ice chest. A cold plastic cup of ice water in your mouth or on your head is sure to rejuvenate you. Here at my blog, I hope you can sit back and get a little rejuvenation between rounds in the real world. 

If you have questions, topics you’d like covered, or items you’d like reviewed,  leave a comment! 

Also, don’t forget to subscribe. Look forward to seeing you around! 

Josephine Yelle

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