Best Mouthguard for Muay Thai Sparring and Fighting

Looking for a nice new mouthguard but not sure which is best? This article is for you! There are a lot of choices out there, and differentiating between brands can be difficult! Below I review, rate, and compare a few top brands on the market, and give me #1 recommendation. Let’s go!

The most important things to look for in a mouthguard are: cushion, comfortability, and breathability.

Obviously it’s got to be able to do the job, and protect your teeth from clanging together or falling out!! But besides that, feeling comfortable with it in, and not have it inhibit your breathing are also super important.


In the beginning I started out with a custom made mouth guard. This was a nice option, but was expensive (I think about $50 but i got a deal from a friend) and these aren’t always readily available. If you have the time and money to invest in this option, great! If not, there are plenty of other “bite and boil” options out there that work great. That’s what I use now and I’m very happy with it. My husband fought professionally at the highest level for over a decade and always used the same mouthguard (and never lost a tooth in the process–Keep reading to learn which brand he uses!).

Here is my review of a few top brands (available for purchase online), the pros and cons of each, and my overall top choice for anyone, from beginner to experienced fighter.

KRBON Pro Series Mouthguard (Adult Ages 11+)

I ordered my KRBON Pro Series Mouthgaurd from one of my favorite Combat and Muay Thai fight gear and apparel sources in the Midwest: Combat Corner . They are a great resource for shorts, shirts, gloves, shinguards, just about anything you need. I was a little disappointed with this mouthguard though. Here’s why.

Whenever you get a new mouthguard you have to go through the process of heating it up in boiling water, and forming it to the shape of your mouth. This can take a few tries to get it just right. But with this mouthguard I never could get it right.

The plastic seemed harder than it should be, and was not only uncomfortable in my mouth, it made it hard for me to breathe. It was bulky and uncomfortable. Newer models now advertise a “BreatEZ Channel” with small holes in the front to open up oxygen flow. Mine didn’t have this so that could make a difference. Regardless, it always felt like it didn’t fit and that it was on the verge of falling out. Additionally it was so hard my teeth didn’t feel well-cushioned.

The Raised Molar Pads on the sides were also too large for me, and made it awkward to bite down. I had a hard time using this mouthguard and it wasn’t long before I was buying a new one. It was just too uncomfortable for me.

I do like that it came with a Vented Storage Case. It’s important to have something to keep your mouthguard in when you’re not using it. But if you don’t have a case, a ziplock bag or small tupperware container will also do.

OVERALL RATING: 3 out of 5 stars

+ Cheap price $16.99
+ Comes with Vented Case
+ Easy Bite and Boil setup

– Plastic is too hard
– Difficulty breathing
– Molar pads too big
– Felt bulky and uncomfortable (for a female at least*)

(*I will put the disclaimer in here that I am a 5’5″ female, so my jaw and mouth is smaller than the average male. If you need something big and you are rough on mouthguards (like my husband–his mouthguard is quite chewed up) this one may be worth trying out. It’s very affordable so if you don’t end up liking it it’s not the end of the world.)

Purchase from Combat Corner here –>

Yokkao Muay Thai Boxing Mouth Guard

Since losing my custom made mouthguard, this has been my favorite mouthguard for fighting. I’ve fought with it several times and I love how comfortable it is in my mouth. I can breathe easily with it in, and I’ve never had an issue with it feeling like it was going to fall out.

The gel liner material they use for the inside layer responds very well to boiling water, so I was able to get a good clean bite that shaped perfectly to my teeth. It feels smooth in my mouth, and doesn’t feel bulky or uncomfortable to me. I did notice this mouthguard is a bit smaller than the others, and the plastic is pretty flexible. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t provide good cushion, but for a bigger person, you may not like this mouthguard. I think anyone under 150 pounds with a small or medium sized jaw this mouthguard should do the job! It’s so comfy.

Additionally, the molar pads in the back are not excessively big, so it makes for a very comfortable bite.

OVERALL RATING: 4 out of 5 stars

+ Comes with vented case
+ Easy Bite and Boil setup
+ Feels comfortable in mouth
+ Choose from 4 colors/designs
+ gel insert perfectly molds to mouth and teeth

– More Expensive $18
– I believe this ships from Thailand which takes longer and is expensive
– Feels a little less protective due to mildly flexible plastic
– A bit small (would not recommend for 150 pound+ adults)

Purchase from Yokkao here –>

As of writing this article, this mouthguard is listed on the Amazon Yokkao shop but it was “unavailable” –>

Shock Doctor Mouthguard

Finally we come to the shock doctor. This mouthguard is easily available for purchase on Amazon, with multiple colors and even different flavored options available. Overall good ratings on Amazon are a plus, in addition to the companies trusted name.

My husband has used this mouthguard for years as a professional muay thai fighter, and recommends it to anyone. In his experience, it has held up very well over many years and still fits comfortably, so it’s durable yet plush enough to not know it’s there. It also stays in place very well and doesn’t have a tendency to fall out.

On a positive note, he still has all his teeth (minus one which got pulled–unrelated to a fight). 🙂

OVERALL RATING: 5 out of 5 stars!!

+ Cheap price $13.99
+ Long-lasting
+ Easy Bite and Boil setup
+ Gel insert provides comfortable fit to teeth
+ Choose from two sizes: Youth or Adult
+ Flavored options available
+ Choose from 17 colors

– Case sold separately ($9.99)
– Flavored options (make sure to purchase “Unflavored”…unless of course you WANT flavored)

Purchase Shockdoctor from Amazon –>

Purchase Shockdoctor Case from Amazon –>

And finally, since seeing mouthguards next to each other can help you compare them, here are a few pictures!

Front view from left to right: KRBON, Yokkao, and shockdoctor
Bottom view from left to right (notice the overly large molar pads on the KRBON)
Top view (notice the difference in teeth impressions and smaller size of Yokkao)

In conclusion, my husband and I agree that The shock doctor is our #1 recommendation for anyone, at any level looking to train, spar, or fight. Though the yokkao mouthguard fits nicely, I couldn’t wholeheartedly recommend it for any size. The shock doctor is an almost guaranteed good fit for anyone!

If you’ve found this article helpful or have thoughts on your experience with finding a good mouthguard we’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below!


Josephine Yelle

Josephine Yelle

Believer. Muay Thai Fighter. Writer. Psalm 16:11

Hey Friends

Just want to say “Hey!” and welcome to the blog. I’m so happy you’re here! 

In Thailand when training, the best relief during a round break is the ice chest. A cold plastic cup of ice water in your mouth or on your head is sure to rejuvenate you. Here at my blog, I hope you can sit back and get a little rejuvenation between rounds in the real world. 

If you have questions, topics you’d like covered, or items you’d like reviewed,  leave a comment! 

Also, don’t forget to subscribe. Look forward to seeing you around! 

Josephine Yelle

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