A Spiritual Lesson in Walking and Running

All of us have something to give. Are you making excuses because of what you don’t have? Or are you living in gratitude of all you do have?

We are now on day 40/365 in 2022 and in an attempt to improve on my goals for the year I woke up and went running. Full disclosure, it’s only my 3rd run of the year! I’ve been a bit lazy so far.

Although it’s warmer than usual for mid-February, I went to an indoor running place. The local sports dome welcomes the public is to use the facility as a walking loop in bad weather. So off I went. 

I started my run and noticed all of the people walking there today were older people. Though it felt amazing to run in warm temperatures and dry ground, I struggled to keep a good pace, simply because I haven’t been consistent with running lately. As I triumphantly finished my last lap, I felt my calves burning and silently looked forward to the day when this would feel easy again. Amazing how adaptable our bodies with consistent effort (and equally how quickly one can lose their level of fitness!).

After a cool down, some stretching, and water, I left the dome. As I reached the parking lot I noticed a man walking with a limp. He actually wasn’t the only walker that was limping. I began to think of what a challenge and commitment it was for this man to simply get out and go for a walk. This made me feel a bit guilty for feeling tired and sore from my short run. Here I am, a healthy young person with no physical problems to worry about, and I’ve been barely getting out to move, run, and stay fit. I definitely take my health and stamina for granted. 

What a gift it is to be healthy and active now, to have life now. And what a gift it is to walk without pain. One day that could be any one of us; struggling to walk with a limp. As I observed what I had just seen, feelings of immense gratitude came over me.

That’s when this verse came to my mind: 

“…For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” (Luke 12:48b)

We have been given so much. If you have your health and youth right now, you have a gift. It’s a reminder to use this season of your life to serve the LORD, serve in your church, or serve your neighbor. And even if you are older or you are facing physical challenges, you still have life and something to give. Every one of us has something to give. Regardless of all the things we don’t have (which can be easy to focus on) it’s what we DO have that counts.

We all have a certain amount of time, talents/skills, and financial resources. As Christians we will give an account of how we used these limited resources. And I do mean LIMITED. If we only knew how limited these would truly be, I guarantee every one of us would make some changes. 

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Psalm 90:12


Josephine Yelle

Josephine Yelle

Believer. Muay Thai Fighter. Writer. Psalm 16:11

Hey Friends

Just want to say “Hey!” and welcome to the blog. I’m so happy you’re here! 

In Thailand when training, the best relief during a round break is the ice chest. A cold plastic cup of ice water in your mouth or on your head is sure to rejuvenate you. Here at my blog, I hope you can sit back and get a little rejuvenation between rounds in the real world. 

If you have questions, topics you’d like covered, or items you’d like reviewed,  leave a comment! 

Also, don’t forget to subscribe. Look forward to seeing you around! 

Josephine Yelle

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2 thoughts on “A Spiritual Lesson in Walking and Running”

  1. Hi there,
    I have been trying to send you a message on your contact section but it says that I’m unable to send you a message due to the site not allowing it. Do you have another way of contact eg email? I have a couple of questions for you

    Thank you

    1. Hi Rob,
      Thanks for your comment! The best way to reach me is through the contact form. I tested it just now and it’s working again so go ahead and try there again if you would. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
      – Josie

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